Check out this resource for your family!
Happy Grandparents Day!
In 1977, the United States declared the first Sunday after Labor Day to be Grandparents Day! That means that this Sunday, September 13th we will celebrate grandparents and all the important relationships between our grandparents and with grandchildren.
Rev. Kristin Nielsen who has helped facilitate the Greater Milwaukee Synod’s intergenerational ministry will be preaching on Sunday for my installation service. I am excited that these days are connected because my grandparents were such an important part of my faith development and I hope have been for many of you as well! My chosen verse for my Installation Service is “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly!” When we share our lives, love and wisdom through generations we live into that abundant life that Jesus promises!
Our Administrator Barb and I decided that during this time of Covid-19 we should make an extra effort to emphasize and strengthen relationships between generations of extended family. We have a resource to help grandkids and grandparents talk to each other and do exercises that help us be curious about each other’s lives and keep the conversations going between grandparents and kids, even if they happen over a phone call or video chat these days!
We will be distributing these booklets on Sunday and at services in September and are happy to send booklets to grandkids and provide this service and outreach to our extended First Lutheran Family! And if you would like to be a “fill-in” grandparent for someone who is looking for a relationship with an elder we would love to help start those conversations too!
Happy Grandparent Day!
From Pastor Josh and First Lutheran