Why is self-care important?

Physical Self-Care

Taking care of yourself physically is the most basic level of self-care. That means getting enough sleep, movement, and healthy nutrition.

Psychological Self-Care

The level of psychological self-care is where you learn new things, practice mindfulness, and explore your creativity.

Emotional Self-Care

On the emotional level, you take steps to manage your stress, while developing compassion for yourself and others.

Social Self-Care

Part of caring for yourself is maintaining social relationships, even if it’s just one or two really good friends – people that you can trust and confide in.

Financial Self-Care

You may not think of monitoring your spending as “self-care,” but taking care not to live outside your means is actually one of the best ways you can take care of yourself!

Spiritual Self-Care

Call it “spirituality,” call it “religion,” call it “faith.” Whatever you call it, this is the level where you connect with something greater than yourself.

Environmental Self-Care

Your immediate environment has a big impact on how you feel. When you practice environmental self-care, you rid your home and office of clutter, so it creates a feeling of peace.

Professional Self-Care

This is the level where you share your strengths and gifts with the world. It’s about living your purpose.

Financial Self-Care

You may not think of monitoring your spending as “self-care,” but taking care not to live outside your means is actually one of the best ways you can take care of yourself!

Spiritual Self-Care

Call it “spirituality,” call it “religion,” call it “faith.” Whatever you call it, this is the level where you connect with something greater than yourself.

Environmental Self-Care

Your immediate environment has a big impact on how you feel. When you practice environmental self-care, you rid your home and office of clutter, so it creates a feeling of peace.

Professional Self-Care

This is the level where you share your strengths and gifts with the world. It’s about living your purpose.

Hopefully thinking of self-care in these broad terms will help you to see that even when you’re doing mundane things, like picking up around the house or balancing your checkbook, you’re actually practicing self-care! Of course, you also want to throw some truly enjoyable things in there, like losing yourself in a good book or going for a hike. Just remember, there’s no pressure to master all eight of these levels at once!

Thanks to Juice Plus+ for this helpful information.