You are invited to share photos and videos of water that will be shown during the Remembrance of Baptism liturgy and photos of how the Spirit has been at work in our lives and communities in the past two months. I probably will submit a picture of splashing the screen or my conversation with Dr. Loon from yesterday! You can upload them directly to the synod’s Google Drive Folder HERE. You can also send them to Barb or I by Wednesday.

I also wanted you to know that last night, I met with pastors and council presidents from Cluster 4, just North of us in Wauwatosa about how they were working together on the issue of reopening. We discussed the options for communion, safety and best practices for large and small gatherings, risks (like probably needing to shut down and have the community quarantine if anyone at a gathering got sick) and other issues. They decided that they wouldn’t be making any changes before June, and because we do not currently have a guide for phased reopening from our local municipality, these pastors and council leaders are drafting an agreement on phased reopening and standards for gatherings that we at First could also use if we choose.

Our reference point for information and guidance on safety about covid-19 in Wisconsin can be found HERE as well as locally from the Milwaukee County Covid-19 Dashboard with it’s five key indicators for public health and safety.

We will keep you posted as we continue discussions within our leadership at First and what we are hearing from other congregations and the synod. I am grateful that we are not in this alone and have community wisdom to lean on through our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pastor Josh