A Summary of Actions Taken

On Wednesday evening, the Council covered a lot of ground and helped set up our new normal for the next few months.  Here is a summary of the decisions that were made that we want to share with the congregation.  Please direct feedback to members of the Executive Council: Heidi Leiser, Colleen Siarnicki, Joy Dowd and Dave Grulke

  • We plan to hold weekly services under the canopy during the warmer weather months following safety precautions of not coming when sick or if exposed to the virus, wearing masks, social distancing, and reporting to the church or leaders having been infected with Covid-19. 
  • There is a need for volunteer readers, worship assistants, ushers and greeters for these services and Colleeen Siarnacki volunteered to coordinate this use of time and talents.
  • Bible Study and other member groups can meet under the canopy following the same precautions.
  • Recovery and outside groups can meet as well, if they follow the same roles as worship and meetings.
  • The only indoor access to groups will be the upstairs accessible bathroom.  Anyone who uses the bathroom will be asked to sanitize after use and our cleaning service has agreed to do additional cleanings of the bathroom during the week, following meetings.
  • All visitors to the building must wear a mask and practice social distancing, if they are making a brief visit to the office. 
  • If people need indoor access for longer than that, they need to ask permission and get approved by the council.  For instance, volunteers working on office renovation and preparations for mailings are approved.
  • The Council has approved the Quilters to use the quilting room in groups of 2, every other week, while practicing social distancing and wearing masks.
  • We have chosen not to host a wedding indoors in September, but will offer the outside tent for this event.  The Fall Bazaar has been postponed until next year.

In other non-pandemic related council news,

  • Lori Marquez has decided to step down in her role as Secretary, and Joy Dowd was voted in as the new Secretary for the remainder of the year. 
  • Pastor Josh presented the By-laws and Constitution relating to the Council and executive position roles for review by the council.  As well as an example of a job description for council and office holders that another congregation uses.
  • The Children’s Ministry team will be reviewing materials from the Synod to prepare a plan for this year.
  • We will be formally installing the Council and Pastor Josh at a service in the near future.