August 26, 2020 Church Council Meeting Highlights
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The Executive and Church Council met on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 outside under the lighted tents to discuss current issues and plans for the upcoming months as we all continue with COVID. To keep the congregation informed, I will publish the bullet point items. The Council encourages the congregation to review, offer input/feedback and forward items for the Council’s review for the monthly meetings. Please forward your agenda items to Barb before the 3rd Wednesday of the given month.
The following are the key items discussed:
- The Pastor’s office remodeling is almost complete. The call paperwork is completed and Heidi will deliver it to the Greater Milwaukee Synod office.
- Installation of the Pastor and Council to be planned for the 2nd or 3rd Sunday in September as a Rally Sunday/Tent Revival for all.
- Worship and music: For Sunday worship this September, we will be scheduling recorded organ music from Gary twice and live music and recorded music once. Worship will continue on the lawn at 10:00AM and recorded for those to view on-line. We will also schedule a once a month Saturday Evening Service if 10 or more people say they will attend. Pastor Josh has offered to bring communion in a safe way to those who haven’t been able to come to worship service.
- Lori is developing a plan for the Fall Stewardship Drive. We are blessed that through the generosity of members, good stewardship of investments and surprise gifts, First Lutheran is 6% underspending its budget for the first 7 months of the year. We all benefit from growing generosity and Lori is developing a theme for our Stewardship drive in the coming months. Please prayerfully consider your gift this year and thank you for your generosity!
- We reviewed Lori and Linda’s children’s ministry plans and are inviting congregation members to participate. See the September newsletter for more information.
- There was a break-in of the church between Aug. 15-17. We are grateful that only food was taken. There was damage to the front door and food pantry door. The doors are secure and a contractor has been contacted to repair/replace the main entrance doors. Thank you to Dave for taking on this project.
- We reviewed Bishop Erickson’s letter on Covid and Kenosha which is available on the Synod website.
- We are planning a follow-up meeting for those who participated in the Synod’s Digital Evangelism Webinar on what we can implement at First Lutheran.
- The Council voted and all agreed to present Dave a gift card for all his efforts and diligence to provide his technical knowledge, equipment and presentation of our church services per video and his dedication to FLC. Thank you again Dave—You are very much appreciated.
Heidi Leiser-O’Neil
Council President