If you are human, leave this field blank.God's Gifts“Now there are different kinds of gifts, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. There are different kinds of services in the church, but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. Gifts are given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church.” - 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 God has given you gifts for ministry! At First our mission is to spread the Gospel message through word and deed and with the help of your gifts from God this is made possible. As we focus on stewardship this month we invite you to spend a few minutes filling out this questionnaire. Your responses will help guide our current and future ministries!NameEmailPhonePart 1: Our MissionTogether, we are each freed for mission and the life of the church. How is God calling you to serve both inside the congregation and outside of the congregation? How is God calling you to use your gifts to serve others? As one body with many members, God has given each of us different gifts and talents in order to complete the ministry we are called to do. Below is a brief description of the ministry opportunities available to you at First Lutheran that help fulfill our mission to welcome, to nourish, and to serve. Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to our shared ministry at First Lutheran. WelcomeIf you enjoy being with people and bringing people together this ministry may be for you!GreeterUsherProvide Coffee and Treats for Coffee And...NourishThis part of our mission involves using our gifts to help nourish and grow people in faith and discipleship. Christian education, stewardship of our resources, and youth ministry are included here.Sunday School teacherVacation Bible School teacherOutreach programsServeThis third area of our mission focuses on “hands-on” ministry. If you like reaching out and serving other people with the Gospel of Christ, this is your area of ministry.Visit homebound membersCall homebound membersFood Pantry volunteerPrayer Chain volunteerQuiltingOperation Christmas StockingBlock Party volunteerWorshipHow is God calling you to use your gifts as God’s people gather weekly for worship?Sing in the choirPlay an instrumentRead ScriptureServe as an Assisting MinisterUsherPropertyMany hands do make light work, and any help here assists in our stewardship of our building and property. If you are handy with a hammer, paint brush or rake, your help would be most appreciated in maintaining our building and grounds.Yard workPaintingGardeningPlumbingCarpentryElectricalShovelingPart 2: Your Current Ministries“When someone lights a lamp, do they put a box over it to shut out the light? Of course not! The light couldn’t be seen or used. A lamp is placed on a stand to shine and be useful.” – Mark 4:21 At this time I feel _______ about using my gifts for ministry in our faith community. AfraidExcitedReluctantUnsure of my roleComfortableWanting to be pushed moreCheck which of the following apply:I am currently sharing the gifts I have available.I would like to share more of my gifts in this faith community.I am willing to help, but I have not been asked.I am interested in discovering more about my giftedness. I am burned out right now.I prefer to volunteer during: (check all that apply)MorningsAfternoonsEveningsWeekdaysWeekendsSubmit