It was a great service!
It was wonderful to gather for our first, First Lutheran (Online) Coffee Hour yesterday. Hearing Jeanie’s story and welcoming her as a member was truly moving. We will be featuring Jeanie in the Newsletter Member Profile next month and I recommend all our current members check that out to learn more about her story and faith.
Seeing Karlie and Eli and hearing how they are grateful for family and our church family was also a treat. It’s encouraging to hear that our kids love our online Sunday School and I hope more of our older members can learn how to connect like the kids. It was a fun experience and it was great to see and hear everyone and remember what we look like without masks!
If you would like to learn how to join online social connections please contact the church for more info!
Another treat was hearing Lori’s message during the worship service yesterday. If you haven’t seen it please watch the worship video from yesterday. Lori’s message starts at 29 minutes and the stewardship slideshow with photos from the last year of ministry can be found at 36:45 min. and goes along with Gary and Stuart’s wonderful rendition of Blessed Assurance. We hope you watch all of the worship but want you to know where to find those important messages.
Remember next Sunday at 10am we will be able to see each other again through our car windows as we tune into our radio worship services! We’ll be having communion as well. The address of Luther Memorial is 2840 S 84th St at the Southwest corner of McCarty Park in West Allis just two miles SW of First Lutheran.
So please plan on joining us as we experience worship in a new way as we stay safe through this record spike in COVID cases across the country and here in Wisconsin and Milwaukee (434 new cases in West Allis and West Milwaukee from 10/29-11/4). Stay safe and love your neighbor by keeping them safe too!
Look for more instructions about how to participate in the next two services soon!
Pastor Josh